Thursday, May 15, 2008

So we leave for Vietnam 2:55 am, Fri May 16. We decided on Vietnam after exploring flight options to central/South America, Mexico and Cuba only to discover that it would take about the same amount of travel time (and $$) to get to those places. The draw to Asia is much too strong and in Vietnam we look forward to familiar sights, sounds and smells in addition to culture, history and some fantastic food.

I must admit due to the sporadic nature of this trip, I do feel a bit unprepared. There's no itinerary, just a general idea of potential places to go. I want to try to hit Cambodia (if Mike's passport will allow it - it expires before the statutory 6 month mark). In Asia anything is possible.

I don't know how much time I'll have to update this blog since we have such a short timeline but we'll try our best. So stay tuned!

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